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Number of adults between 50 and 70 with a equivalised disposable income of less than £25,000, FYE 2020
Jobs paying less than £30,000 per year, broken down by industry section and region, 2017
Proportion of employee jobs in the UK excluding London paid less than the living wage in 2014, by industry division
Jobs paid less than the living wage in London and the rest of the UK in 2014, by sex and age group
Proportion of employee jobs in London paid less than the London Living Wage and the poverty threshold wage
Number of adults between 50 and 70 with a equivalised gross income of less than £25,000, financial year ending 2020
Proportion of employee jobs in London boroughs where employees earned less than the London Living Wage, 2008-14
Unexplained deaths, for children aged more than 12 months and less than two years, England and Wales, 2007 to 2016
Proportion of self-employed workers by ethnicity with annual household income of less than £50,000, UK, financial year ending 2020
Number and percentage of employee jobs paying less than the Living Wage Foundation Living Wage, by region and nation of the UK, 2012 to 2018