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Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.
Rest of the World (S2): Acquisition less disposals of non-produced/non-financial assets (NP) Current price £m: Seasonally adjusted
Household expenditure on mortgage interest payments, by region, 2007 to financial year ending 2017
Household expenditure on mortgage interest payments, by region, 2007 to financial year ending 2016
Rest of the World (S.2): Acquisition less disposals of non-produced / non-financial assets (NP): Current price £m: NSA
Rest of the World (S2): Acquisition less disposals of non-produced/non-financial assets (NP) Current price £m: Seasonally adjusted
Public opinions and social trends: Ability to afford an unexpected expense of £850 by difficulty affording rent or mortgage payments, Great Britain, 12 to 23 October 2022
BoP: Exports: Other BoP Adjustments (Pink Book Table 2.4)
BoP: IM: Recruitment
BoP: EX: Recruitment
BoP: EX: Recruitment