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IIP: Net: Total Assets less Total Liabilities: Levels at the beginning of the period: Luxembourg
Total Non-EU less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU (NonEUlessPM): Imports: BOP: CP: SA
Total Non-EU less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU (NonEUlessPM): Exports: BOP: CP: SA
BoP: current account less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) balance as per cent of GDP(no NSA series)
PEN: INC: Total income (net of refunds, exc profit less losses realised)
INS: GEN: INC: Premiums earned less those incurred: Treaty reinsurance: Other
IIP: Net: Total Assets less Total Liabilities: Levels at the beginning of the period: Luxembourg
FDI : Outward : Total FDI : Income on Equity Capital (Gr Earnings less Interest)
BoP: trade in goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) balance as per cent of GDP(no NSA series)
FDI : Balance : Total FDI : Income on Equity Capital (Gr Earnings less Interest)