3468 canlyniadau

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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol

Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.

Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey pilot

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 09 July 2020 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Initial data from the COVID-19 Infection Survey. This survey is being delivered in partnership with IQVIA, Oxford University and UK Biocentre.

  • Deaths involving COVID-19, England and Wales

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 23 June 2020 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Number of deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) that occurred in each month in England and Wales, by country, age, sex and place of death.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey pilot

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 18 June 2020 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Initial data from the COVID-19 Infection Survey. This survey is being delivered in partnership with IQVIA, Oxford University and UK Biocentre.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey pilot

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 05 June 2020 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Initial data from the COVID-19 Infection Survey. This survey is being delivered in partnership with IQVIA, the University of Oxford and UK Biocentre.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey pilot

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 10 May 2020 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Estimates of people testing positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) in England. Results from COVID-19 Infection Survey pilot.

  • COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey, England

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 15 June 2022 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Analysis of COVID-19 findings on mental health and long COVID from the Schools Infection Survey’s headteacher, parent and pupil questionnaires. The Schools Infection Survey is jointly led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK Health Security Agency and the Office for National Statistics.

  • COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey, England

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 01 April 2022 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Estimates of pupils testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies from the COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey (SIS) based on a sample of schools in England. SIS is jointly led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK Health Security Agency and the Office for National Statistics.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey pilot

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 16 October 2020 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Estimates for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This survey is being delivered in partnership with University of Oxford, University of Manchester, Public Health England and Wellcome Trust.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey pilot

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 09 October 2020 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Estimates for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This survey is being delivered in partnership with University of Oxford, University of Manchester, Public Health England and Wellcome Trust.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey pilot

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 02 October 2020 | Bwletin ystadegol

    Estimates for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This survey is being delivered in partnership with University of Oxford, University of Manchester, Public Health England and Wellcome Trust.