Canlyniadau chwilio ar gyfer tr%E1%BB%B1c
Mireinio'r canlyniadau
Clirio'r cyfan10458 canlyniadau
Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.
UK Natural Capital Accounts:Recreation:Annual:£ million
GFCF:General government: TOTAL: Transfer of ownership costs: £m: CP: NSA
Local government (S.1313): Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75): Resource: CP: £m: NSA
Impact of time barred non-reservation related changes: Applied in 2023
Final Consumption Expenditure of NPISH: Deflators
CG: Receipt: Soft Drink Levy: Accrued: £million: NSA
ESA:UK:R:Non-market output (P.13)
NPISH (S.15): Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75): Resources: Current price: £m: NSA
Durable goods: Total CP NSA £m
Balance Sheet: S.15: LE: AN.1131: Transport equipment: CP: NSA: £m