Rhyddhawyd ar: 17 May 2022
Setiau data
The LFS is a data source compiled from a survey of the UK population. It uses internationally recognised definitions of employment, unemployment and economic activity. It also captures other personal characteristics of household members over the age of 16 such as occupation, education and training. The LFS reflects only a sample of the total population. All cases are therefore weighted on the basis of sub-national population totals by age and sex to give estimates for the entire UK household population.
Labour Force Survey estimates have been reweighted for periods from July to September 2022; headline UK seasonally adjusted series prior to this have been modelled, but other series have a discontinuity at this point.
Rhyddhawyd ar: 07 May 2020
Bwletin ystadegol
The indicators and analysis presented in this bulletin are based on responses from the new voluntary fortnightly business survey, which captures businesses' responses on how their turnover, workforce prices, trade and business resilience have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the two-week reference period. These data relate to the period 6 April 2020 to 19 April 2020
Rhyddhawyd ar: 01 September 2015
Setiau data
Decennial life tables for males and for females have been constructed based on the mortality experience of the population of England and Wales during the three years 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Rhyddhawyd ar: 04 June 2020
Bwletin ystadegol
The indicators and analysis presented in this bulletin are based on responses from the new voluntary fortnightly business survey, which captures businesses' responses on how their turnover, workforce, prices, trade and business resilience have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the two-week reference period. These data relate to the period 4 May to 17 May 2020.
Rhyddhawyd ar: 28 March 2023
Setiau data
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in England and Wales by whether residents have identified with one or multiple religions, and by tenure. The estimates are as at Census Day, 21 March 2021.
Rhyddhawyd ar: 22 March 2018
Bwletin ystadegol
Revised estimates of the usually resident population for mid-2012 to mid-2016 (as at 30 June). Methodological improvements have been implemented allowing the creation of a new series of estimates that roll forward the 2011 Census. These revisions cover subnational population estimates for England and Wales only. Data are available by administrative area, single year of age, sex and component of population change.
Rhyddhawyd ar: 20 May 2016
Bwletin ystadegol
How internet use is correlated to various socio-demographic characteristics, such as age, sex, disability and geographical location. As a result of user needs, this release presents a new breakdown of internet users, into adults who have used the internet within the last 3 months (recent users) and adults who last used the internet more than 3 months ago (lapsed users).
Rhyddhawyd ar: 12 September 2023
Setiau data
The LFS is a data source compiled from a survey of the UK population. It uses internationally recognised definitions of employment, unemployment and economic activity. It also captures other personal characteristics of household members over the age of 16 such as occupation, education and training. The LFS reflects only a sample of the total population. All cases are therefore weighted on the basis of sub-national population totals by age and sex to give estimates for the entire UK household population.
Labour Force Survey estimates have been reweighted for periods from July to September 2022; headline UK seasonally adjusted series prior to this have been modelled, but other series have a discontinuity at this point.
Rhyddhawyd ar: 01 September 2015
Setiau data
Decennial life tables for males and for females have been constructed based on the mortality experience of the population of England and Wales during the three years surrounding each census since 1841.
Rhyddhawyd ar: 10 September 2015
Statistics on the life opportunities people in Great Britain have and how these vary by social and demographic characteristics.