Canlyniadau chwilio ar gyfer
Mireinio'r canlyniadau
Clirio'r cyfan10458 canlyniadau
Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol
Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.
Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.
Balance Sheet: S.11: LE: AN.1: Produced non-financial assets: CP: NSA: £m
Balance Sheet: S.1HN: LE: AN.113: Machinery and equipment: CP: NSA: £m
Private non-financial corps: Equity and investment fund shares/units (AF.5): Level: Asset: Current price: £m: NSA
HH & NPISH (S.14 + S.15): Other accounts receivable/payable (AF.8): Liability: Current price: £m: NSA
Balance Sheet: S.1HN: LE: AN: Total non-financial assets: CP: NSA: £m
CG: Current taxes on income, wealth, etc., received (D5) CP NSA
CG: Northern Ireland domestic rates (households)
ESA:LEVEL:ASSET:General Govt: Insurnace Premiums & Reserves
ESA: CG:LI: LEVEL: Monetary gold and special drawing rights
Local government (S.1313): Net Lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) (B.9N): CP £m: NSA