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Workplaces and employees in London MSOAs in selected industries, 2015
ONS Local: Public houses and bars, London MSOAs, 2001 to 2023
Number of workplaces and employees by enterprise size in MSOAs in London 2001 to 2014
CT0298_2011 Census - Industry detailed - specified MSOAs in England and Wales
Number of Science and Technology employees in MSOAs in the Greater South East, 2014 update
Employment in Science and Technology workplaces in MSOAs in London, the East and South East, 2013
CT0297_2011 Census - Occupation 4 digit - specified MSOAs in England and Wales
CT0672_2011 Census - Age by place of work by economic activity by sex - MSOAs in England and Wales
CT0673_2011 Census - Place of work by economic activity by industry (2 digits) - MSOAs in England and Wales
CT0623_2011 Census - Tenure by number of rooms by car or van availability - MSOAs Leeds 111