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Nid oes unrhyw ganlyniadau cyfatebol

Dewis pwnc arall neu clirio pob hidlydd.

Nid yw holl gynnwys y cyfrifia wedi'i ryddhau. Edrychwch am ddatganiadau sydd i ddod ar y calendr datganiadau. Fel arall, gallwch greu set ddata eich fun.

  • Effects of taxes and benefits on household income: historical household-level datasets

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 30 May 2019 | Setiau data

    Main tables from the Effects of taxes and benefits on household income publication from 1977, including average incomes, taxes and benefits and household characteristics of all, retired and non-retired households in the UK by quintile and decile groups.

  • Household expenditure by economic activity status of the household reference person: Table A17

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

  • Detailed household expenditure by disposable income decile group: Table 3.1

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

  • Expenditure on food and non-alcoholic drinks by place of purchase: Table A2

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

  • Expenditure of one adult retired households by equivalised disposable income quintile group: Table 3.13E

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

  • Household expenditure by equivalised disposable income: the household reference person is self-employed: Table A19DE

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

  • Detailed household expenditure by age of household reference person: Table A11

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

  • Expenditure of households without children by disposable income quintile group: Table 3.16

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

  • Expenditure of households with children by gross income quintile group: Table A56

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.

  • Expenditure of two adult non-retired households by disposable income quintile group: Table 3.7

    Rhyddhawyd ar: 24 January 2019 | Setiau data

    Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.