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Family spending in the UK : financial year ending March 2016
Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK, by region, age, income, economic status, socio-economic class and household composition.
Equivalised disposable household income
Average equivalised disposable income for all households
The effects of taxes and benefits on household income, disposable income estimate
Average UK household incomes taxes and benefits by household type, tenure status, household characteristics and long-term trends in income inequality.
Family spending workbook 1: detailed expenditure and trends
Detailed breakdown of average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by place of purchase, income group (deciles) and age of household reference person.
Time use in the UK
Average daily time spent by adults on activities including paid work, unpaid household work, unpaid care, travel and entertainment. These are official statistics in development.
Effects of taxes and benefits on household income
Average annual incomes, taxes and benefits, and household characteristics of retired and non-retired households in the UK. Data for financial years, by quintile and decile groups, country and region and tenure type.
Effects of taxes and benefits on household income: historical person-level datasets
Data on the effects of taxes and benefits on household income publication from 2001, including average incomes, taxes and benefits and household characteristics of all, retired and non-retired individuals and households in the UK by quintile and decile groups.
Effect of taxes and benefits on household income: historical person-level datasets
Main tables from the Effects of taxes and benefits on household income publication from 1977, including average incomes, taxes and benefits and household characteristics of all, retired and non-retired individuals and households in the UK by quintile and decile groups.
Effects of taxes and benefits on household income: historical household-level datasets
Main tables from the Effects of taxes and benefits on household income publication from 1977, including average incomes, taxes and benefits and household characteristics of all, retired and non-retired households in the UK by quintile and decile groups.
Housing expenditure by household composition: Table 2.7
Average weekly household expenditure on goods and services in the UK. Data are shown by region, age, income (including equivalised) group (deciles and quintiles), economic status, socio-economic class, housing tenure, output area classification, urban and rural areas (Great Britain only), place of purchase and household composition.