
UK labour market statistics: July 2016

Rhyddhawyd: 20 Gorffennaf 2016 9:30am
Datganiad nesaf: 17 August 2016


Employment, unemployment, economic inactivity, claimant count, average earnings, vacancies and labour disputes.



Manylion cyswllt


Richard Clegg




+44 (0)1633 455400 

Ynglŷn â'r data

Accredited Official Statistics

These are accredited official statistics. They have been independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) and found to comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics. This broadly means that the statistics:

  • meet user needs
  • are presented clearly and accessibly
  • are produced using appropriate data and sound methods
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest

Pre-release access list

The phrase 'Pre-release Access' refers to the practice whereby official statistics in their final form, and any accompanying written commentary, are made available to an eligible person in advance of their publication. The rules and principles which govern pre-release access are featured within the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008.

Besides ONS staff, the following persons are given pre-release access by the period indicated before release.

The following persons receive pre-release access to all of the statistics in the labour market release 24 hours in advance of publication.

Prime Minister
Cabinet Secretary
PS/Prime Minister
PPS/Prime Minister
Special advisor to Prime Minister
Director of Communications, 10 Downing Street
Parliamentary Clerk, 10 Downing Street
Senior Policy Advisor, 10 Downing Street

Minister for the Cabinet Office

Chancellor of the Exchequer
Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Financial Secretary (HMT)
Economic Secretary (HMT)
Exchequer Secretary (HMT)
Commercial Secretary (HMT)
Special advisor, HMT
Special advisor, HMT
Permanent Secretary, HMT
Official, Macroeconomics & Fiscal Policy Directorate, HMT
Head of News, HMT
Duty Press Officer, HMT
Official clearing brief, HMT
Official preparing brief, HMT

Secretary of State DWP
Minister of State for Employment
Minister of State for Welfare Reform
Minister for Disabled People
Special advisor, DWP
Special advisor, DWP
Permanent Secretary, DWP
Principal Private Secretary, DWP
Director-General, Operations, DWP
Deputy Head of Labour Market Analysis Division, DWP
Labour Market Strategy Director, DWP
Labour Market Analyst, DWP
Assistant economist, DWP
Assistant economist, DWP
Assistant economist, DWP
Labour Market Analyst, DWP
Ministerial Communications Officer, DWP
Press Officer, DWP
Press Officer, DWP
Press Officer, DWP

Governor of Bank of England
Deputy Governor, BoE
Deputy Governor, BoE
Deputy Governor, BoE
PS/Governor, BoE
Assistant PS to Governor of Bank of England
Assistant PS to Governor of Bank of England
Economic Assistant, BoE
Official, Governors Office, Bank of England
Official, Governors Office, Bank of England
Official, Governors Office, Bank of England

Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Minister of State for Skills
Special advisor, BIS
Special advisor, BIS
Economic Advisor to Secretary of State BIS
Deputy Director, Labour Market analysis BIS
Assistant Economist, BIS
Assistant economist, BIS
Press officer, BIS

Secretary of State for Scotland
Economic advisor, Scotland Office

Secretary of State for Wales
Private office official, Welsh Office
Briefing official, Welsh Office
Briefing official, Welsh Office
Head of Communications, Welsh Office
Special Advisor, Welsh Office

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Senior Policy Advisor, Northern Ireland Office

First Minister of Scotland
Cabinet Sec for Education & Skills, Scotland
Cabinet Sec for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work, Scotland
Minister for Employability and Training, Scotland
Permanent Secretary (Scottish Government)
Special advisor (Scottish Government)
Special advisor (Scottish Government)
Briefing official, Office of Chief Economic Advisor (Scottish Government)
Briefing official, Office of Chief Economic Advisor (Scottish Government)
Briefing official, Office of Chief Economic Advisor (Scottish Government)
Economic Advisor (Scottish Government)
Head of Fair Work Directorate (Scottish Government)
Communications official (Scottish Government)
Communications official (Scottish Government)
Briefing official, Education Analytical Services Division (Scottish Government)
Briefing official, Employability & Skills (Scottish Government)
Briefing official, Employability & Skills (Scottish Government)
Briefing official, Education Analytical Services (Scottish Government)
Statistician (Scottish Government)
Statistician (Scottish Government)

First Minister of Wales
Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure, Wales
Head of Labour Market & Transport Statistics, Welsh government
Higher Statistical Officer, Welsh government
Chief economist, Welsh government
Director of strategy, Dept for Economy, Science & Transport, Welsh government
Press Officer, Welsh government

First Minister of Northern Ireland
Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland
Minister for Finance, Northern Ireland
Minister for Economy, Northern Ireland
Head of Northern Ireland Civil Service
Permanent Secretary, Northern Ireland Dept for Finance
Deputy Principal Economist, Northern Ireland Dept for the Economy
Permanent Secretary, Northern Ireland Dept for Education
Special advisor, Northern Ireland
Special advisor, Northern Ireland
Senior principle statistician, Northern Ireland
Principal statistician, Northern Ireland