
Productivity overview, UK: January to March 2022

Rhyddhawyd: 7 Gorffennaf 2022 9:30am
Datganiad nesaf: October 2022


The main findings from official statistics and analysis of UK productivity, presenting a summary of recent developments.



  • Multi-factor productivity, annual, UK

    Annual multi-factor productivity data for the UK market sector and component industries. Experimental estimates.

  • Labour productivity time series

    Quarterly output per hour, output per job and output per worker for the whole UK economy and a range of industries.

  • Public service productivity, quarterly

    Reference tables for experimental statistics on UK public service productivity. Includes estimates of inputs, output, productivity, and revisions compared to estimates from the previous quarter.

  • Output per hour worked, UK

    Estimates for gross value added (GVA), hours worked and output per hour worked for whole economy and section level industries, as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 2007. Contains annual and quarterly statistics. Includes estimates for industry quarter on quarter, year on year and quarter on year contributions to whole economy output per hour worked.

  • Multi-factor productivity, quarterly, UK

    Quarterly multi-factor productivity data for the UK market sector and component industries. Experimental estimates.

  • Output per worker, UK

    Estimates for gross value added (GVA), workers, and output per worker. Contains annual and quarterly statistics.

  • Output per job, UK

    Estimates for gross value added (GVA), jobs and output per job by section level industry, as defined by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Contains annual and quarterly statistics. Contains estimates for industry quarter-on-quarter, year-on-year and quarter-on-year contributions to output per job.

Manylion cyswllt


Sanjana Arora, Cain Baybutt and Robert Mwemeke




+44 1633 455086