
Measures of owner occupiers' housing costs, UK: July to September 2020

Dyddiad y datganiad: Canslwyd
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This bulletin has been discontinued and does not contain the latest data.

We will continue to publish the latest data on a quarterly basis in the Index of Private Housing Rental Prices bulletin, as well as publishing an annual article each June that presents a more detailed analysis of the different approaches of measuring owner occupiers’ housing costs (OOH).


Owner occupiers’ housing costs (OOH) are the costs of housing services associated with owning, maintaining and living in one’s own home. There is not a single defined measure of OOH because they can be calculated differently depending on what the target is.

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Accredited Official Statistics

These are accredited official statistics. They have been independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) and found to comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics. This broadly means that the statistics:

  • meet user needs
  • are presented clearly and accessibly
  • are produced using appropriate data and sound methods
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest