
Index of Services UK: August 2021

Rhyddhawyd: 13 Hydref 2021 7:00am
Datganiad nesaf: 11 November 2021


Monthly movements in gross value added for the service industries which overall account for around 79% of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).



Manylion cyswllt


David Beckett




+44 1633 456980

Newidiadau i ddyddiad y datganiad hwn

  1. Dyddiad blaenorol

    11 Hydref 2021 9:30am

    Rheswm dros newid

    Publishing on a Monday creates complexities in our processing and it is more difficult to find suitable timings for stakeholder engagement.

  2. Dyddiad blaenorol

    13 Hydref 2021 9:30am

    Rheswm dros newid

    Original time input in error

  3. Dyddiad blaenorol

    13 Hydref 2021 7:30am

    Rheswm dros newid

    Original time input in error

Ynglŷn â'r data

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  • are produced using appropriate data and sound methods
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest