FOI Ref: ​FOI/2022/4717

You asked

Could I please request the following:

  1. If possible can you confirm how many people/ households/businesses there were in the UK or Britain, which ever is the easier in 1960 please?

  2. Please can you confirm how many people/households/businesses there was in the UK or Britain, in 2021. If this data is unavailable then 2020 please.

  3. In your records does it show how the sewage infrastrucutre has grown since the 1960, until 2021 or 2020 if 2021 not available please? What increase if any has occurred?

  4. Is there data confirming how much the waste sewage infrastrucutre would need to be expanded to deal with the ever growing population and new builds happening please? Has there been a cost provided to show how much would need to be spent on the waste water/sewage infrastrucutre to deal with future population and building growth forecasts?

  5. Is it possible to show how many people/households/businesses were in Lincolnshire in 1960 and again in 2021 or 2020, if data not available.

  6. Do you hold any figures of what was spent on the waste water industry in 1980 and 1989, when it was still held by the government and how much has been spent in 2020 by the private water companies please?

  7. Do you have any forecasts showing how many new builds will be needed by 2030?

  8. Lastly is there any data forecasts based on the evidence so far, that show how many dentists, doctors and schools will be needed for the population growth for 2030. What is the difference in the figures we have now and will need please for 2030?

We said

Thank you for your request,

Census data can provide information on the number of people and households. For the data requested we have provided census data from 1961 and 2021. Please note that although we can provide some 1961 census data for Great Britain, this is not available for 2021, where we can only provide census data for England and Wales.

The UK censuses are run separately by each National Statistics Office (Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency (NISRA), National Records of Scotland (NRS), and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for both England and Wales). Contact details for each statistical agency are:

Tel:    0131 3144299

Tel:   02890 255156

In 2021 NISRA and ONS carried out the census in their respective parts of the UK, but Scotland's census was moved to 2022. With regards to UK Census data, the publication of UK Census 2021 and 2022 outputs is dependent on the availability of Scotland's Census 2022 data.

Q1 - If possible can you confirm how many people/ households/businesses there was in the UK or Britain in 1960 please?

Please see the following table showing 1961 Census data on the number of people and households in England and Wales:

This data has been extracted from the following 1961 Census tables:

  • Table 20 - Population enumerated in Private and Non-Private households

(Source: 1961 Census Topic Report - Age, Marital Condition and General Tables, pp90-93)

  • Table 4 - Private households by size, rooms occupied sharing of dwellings and type of building

(Source: 1961 Census Topic Report - Housing tables part 1 buildings dwellings and households, pp62-66). Please see the associated download named '1961_Census_data_England_and_Wales_Housing' for more information.

With regards to UK business numbers in 1960, we have searched our archives and library and are unable to locate any information in scope. Companies House or The National Archives (TNA) may be better placed to assist. They can be contacted at and Contact us - Contact us ( respectively.

Q2 - Please can you confirm how many people/households/businesses there was in the UK or Britain in 2021. If this data is unavailable then 2020 please.

Please see the associated download named '2021_Census_data_household_in_England_and_Wales_and_Lincolnshire.xlsx' for the 2021 Census datasets for the number of people and households in England and Wales.

  • TS001 - Number of usual residents in households and communal establishments

  • TS041 - Number of Households

(Source Nomis 2021 Census datasets)

The number of businesses data are taken from the UK Business: Activity, size and location publication. This publication is a snapshot taken in March of each year from the Inter Departmental Business Register (IDBR.) The figures include all business registered for VAT and/or PAYE. Very small businesses below these thresholds are not included. The data are rounded to be consistent with other published statistics.

In 2021 there were 2,765,150 businesses in the United Kingdom. In 2022 this number was 2,767,700.

Q3 -In your records does it show how the sewage infrastructure has grown since the 1960, until 2021 or 2020 if 2021 not available please? What increase if any has occurred?

Q4 - Is there data confirming how much the waste sewage infrastructure would need to be expanded to deal with the ever-growing population and new builds happening please? Has there been a cost provided to show how much would need to be spent on the wastewater/sewage infrastructure to deal with future population and building growth forecasts?

Q6 - Do you hold any figures of what was spent on the wastewater industry in 1980 and 1989, when it was still held by the government and how much has been spent in 2020 by the private water companies please?

We do not hold information in scope of questions 3 to 6. We would suggest contacting Anglian Water who cover the Lincolnshire area as they may be better placed to help you. Their customer services can be reached at Contact us ( Alternatively, OFWAT, the water regulator, may also be able to help. Please see the following link to their website:

Q5 - Is it possible to show how many people/households/businesses were in Lincolnshire in 1960 and again in 2021 or 2020, if data not available.

Please see the following 1961 Census data on the number of people and households in Lincolnshire:

This data has been extracted from the following 1961 Census table:

  • Table 03 - Acreage, Population, Private Households and Dwellings

(Source: 1961 Census County Reports - Lincolnshire - Holland, p 2; Lincolnshire - Kesteven, pp 2-4; Lincolnshire - Lindsey, pp2-7). Please see the associated download named 1961_Census_data_Lincolnshire_Housing' for more details.

Please also see the associated download named '2021_Census_data_households_in_England_and_Wales_and_Lincolnshire.xlsx'. This provides 2021 Census datasets for the number of people and households in Lincolnshire, for the district or unitary local authorities of Boston, East Lindsey, Lincoln, North Kesteven, South Holland, South Kesteven and West Lindsey.

  • TS001 - Number of usual residents in households and communal establishments

  • TS041 - Number of Households

(Source Nomis 2021 Census datasets)

The 2021 Census data provided has been downloaded from the interactive webservice NOMIS onto a single spreadsheet. NOMIS is a service run by Durham University on behalf of the Office for National Statistics:

The number of businesses data are taken from the UK Business: Activity, size and location publication as explained in the response to Q2.

In 2021 there were 28,285 businesses in the Lincolnshire. In 2022 this number was 28,800.

Business numbers in Lincolnshire in 1960 are unavailable, we have searched our archives and library and are unable to provide any information.

You may find that Companies House or The National Archives (TNA) may be better placed to assist. They can be contacted at and Contact us - Contact us ( respectively.

Q7 - Do you have any forecasts showing how many new builds will be needed by 2030?

Q8 - Lastly is there any data forecasts based on the evidence so far, that show how many dentists, doctors and schools will be needed for the population growth for 2030. What is the difference in the figures we have now and will need please for 2030?

We do not hold information in scope of these question. Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) may be better placed to help you. DLUHC can be contacted at