​FOI Ref: FOI/2023/4845

You asked

I would like to know:

  • How many tourists visited Skye in 2022?

  • Is it possible to know the percentage or number of tourists visiting Skye each year?

  • Is it possible to know the number of inhabitants of Skye in 2022?

We said

Thank you for your request.

We collect data from foreign tourists using the International Passenger Survey (IPS). This survey records where these visitors plan to stay during their visit to the UK. The IPS does not record visits to Skye itself, just the 'Highland area', so unfortunately we do not hold figures for Skye specifically.

However, if you would like to obtain data showing overseas resident visits to the wider highland area, this is available to order via our bespoke services route from our Social Surveys Delivery team. Such services are subject to legal frameworks, resources, disclosure controls, and an agreement of costs, where appropriate, subject to our charging policy. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact the relevant team at socialsurveys@ons.gov.uk.

Please note that, unfortunately, the IPS does not collect information about domestic tourism (UK residents who visit Skye). Visit Britain collect data on domestic tourism and may be better placed to assist with this part of your query.

With regards to the population of Skye in 2022, National Records Scotland (NRS) would be better placed to assist with your request. They can be contacted at National Records of Scotland (nrscotland.gov.uk).