FOI reference: FOI-2023-1560

You asked

I am looking for any crime and anti-social stats for the migrant teen (16-19) demographic please, also unemployment rates for the same demographic.

We said

Thank you for your request.

Crime and anti-social behaviour

Unfortunately, we do not hold analysis on crime and anti-social behaviour information for those 16-19 years old who were not born in the UK. To answer this, we would be required to create new information using statistical expertise and experience. Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, public authorities are not obligated to create new information in response to requests. Therefore, the information request is not held for FOI purposes. 

Our reason for not having produced this information previously is that our sample sizes within the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) at the level you have requested are not robust enough to provide reliable estimates.

You may wish to contact the Home Office, as they may be able to assist further with your request.


We publish employment, unemployment and economic inactivity by nationality and country of birth, which is accessible via the following link: Employment, unemployment and economic inactivity by nationality and country of birth. This provides information for those who are 16+ for employment/unemployment or 16-64 for economically inactive.

Unemployment estimates at the level of detail specified in your request can be obtained via our bespoke services route. Please note, this service is subject to legal frameworks, resources, disclosure controls and an agreement on costs in line with our charging policy, depending on the amount of time taken to develop the analyses and undertake quality and disclosure control processes. To discuss this request further, please contact our social surveys team.