​FOI ref: FOI/2022/4631

You asked

How many young fit patients have suffered life changing strokes after their vaccinations?

We said

Thank you for your request.

We do not hold data relating to the incidence of heart attacks or strokes after receipt of the COVID-19 vaccination. We also do not hold data regarding adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccination that do not result in death.

The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority's (MHRA) role is to continually monitor the safety of any medicine or vaccine once they are approved for use. Yellow Card is a website where any member of the public or health professional can report any suspected side effect.

As the information is self-reported, it means that the suspected side effects are not always proven and some of the side effects may have occurred regardless of the vaccine. MHRA are better placed to answer your enquiry, as they are responsible for the Yellow Card Scheme.

They can be contacted using this form or by email on  info@mhra.gov.uk.