FOI ref: FOI-2024-2067

You asked

Having reviewed your latest Business Demography data, I was able to cross-reference an industry with the section of the Standard Industry Classifications (SICs) to identify that industry's activities. 

However, I was unable to cross-reference the same for the 'Business Administration and Support Services' industry. Please may I find out which specific SIC sections, divisions, groups, classes. or sub-classes are used to define this industry?

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request enquiring the breakdown of the Business Administration and Support Services industry. 

The Business Demography excel workbook you have linked into your Freedom of Information request has several worksheets of data. There is a tab labelled 'Industry Definitions' and within this tab we provide further clarification on industry definitions and their corresponding Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes.

Business administration and support services captures all businesses classified in SIC divisions 77 to 82.  

If you require any further assistance with either of our publications UK Business; activity, size and location or Business demography please get in contact with our data analysis team at