FOI Ref: ​FOI/2023/4945

You asked

Does the ONS publicly produce the following data or would we need an accredited research to access it?

  1. Gross Value Added (GVA) by industry by Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) over time
  2. Skills and qualification by middle super output area over time
  3. Employment by MSOA over time
  4. Employment by 4 digit Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code by MSOA
  5. Employment by 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification code by MSOA

We said

Thank you for your request.

Gross Value Added (GVA) by industry by Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) over time

We do not currently publish data on Gross Value Added (GVA) by industry and MSOA. For data which are broken down both geographically and by industry, the most detail that we have is in our GVA by local authority and industry outputs:

Though it does not have an industry breakdown, you may also be interested in data we have published on GVA down to the Lower-layer Super Output Area (LSOA):

Unfortunately we are unable to provide access to more detailed levels of geography and/or industry as it is personal information relating to businesses. Section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (SRSA), renders it a criminal offence for the Statistics Board (ONS) to release personal information collected for statistical purposes. Personal information is any information that would identify an individual or a body corporate. As disclosure is prohibited by another enactment, this information is exempt from release under Section 44(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

Employment by MSOA over time and Employment by MSOA and industry

Data on employment and employment by industry at the detailed levels of geography are best sourced from the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES). BRES data are published on the ONS website, however, to look at the level of detail specified in your question you would be best served querying BRES data published via the National Online Manpower Information System (NOMIS):

NOMIS allows you to specify from a range of geography variables and varying levels of industry detail, including mid-layer super output areas and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) down to 5 digits.

Employment by MSOA and Occupation

Employment by MSOA and Occupation is best sourced from the 2021 Census of England and Wales. Again, the NOMIS platform provides a convenient means of accessing this data without the need for accreditation. It should be noted however occupation is limited to the three-digit level:

Skills and Qualifications by MSOA over time

The only data relevant to this at the MSOA level is also from the 2021 Census of England and Wales, looking at highest level of qualification, again with a variety of geographical breakdowns: