FOI REF: FOI-2023-1225

You asked

Can you help me access data for: The number of cases involving Fabricated and Induced Illness (FII) and/or Perplexing Presentation (PP), also previously known as Munchausen by Proxy syndrome (MBPS), per year, that have been investigated by Children's services since 2008, in: Totton, Hampshire, UK or just Hampshire if Totton is too narrow of a search. And how many of those referrals for Fabricated and Induced Illness (FII) and/or Perplexing Presentation (PP) were made by school/education facility?

We said

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we do not hold data relating to the number of cases of Fabricated and Induced Illness or Perplexing Presentation, previously known as Munchausen by Proxy. Nor do we collect data relating to referrals made by educational establishments.  

NHS Digital may be better placed to assist with your enquiry, they can be contacted at Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) may also be able to assist. They can be contacted by using this link.

With regards to school referrals, the Hampshire local authority may be better placed to answer your request.