FOI ref: FOI-2023-1319

You asked

Please can you tell me if:

  1. You have considered including a breakdown by income (or other household characteristics) in the month CPI release (e.g. as in your quarterly CPIH release).

  2. What that decision was.

We said

Thank you for your request.

We publish monthly estimates of Consumer Price Index (CPI) and CPIH disaggregated by income deciles and other characteristics on a quarterly basis. The most recent estimates for quarter 2 2023 are available on a provisional basis and are available here. These are currently experimental statistics and, as such, have not been considered for inclusion in the main Consumer Price Inflation bulletin. 

We are also developing a new set of measures called the Household Costs Indices. These reflect how different types of household experience inflation. You can find out more about them and how they differ from CPI and CPIH here. We have previously published experimental publications annually, but are currently working towards a quarterly publication to begin later this year.