FOI reference: FOI-2024-1711

You asked

How many revisions have been made by the ONS for economic statistics between 2014 and 2024?

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Revisions are amendments to previously published outputs which improve accuracy by incorporating up-to-date methods, additional data sources or data that were unavailable at the point of initial publication. Revisions should not be confused with the correction of errors; revisions are not published to correct a mistake.

We recommend reviewing our Economic Statistics revision policies, as we believe these will be of interest: Revision policies for economic statistics

Unfortunately, we do not hold the number of revisions made to every economic statistics publication in one centralised source. Gathering the information in scope of the request together to cover every publication by our Economic Statistics group over the last 10 years would take in excess of the 24 working hour limit to respond to Freedom of Information request, owing to the volume of publications in scope. Therefore, Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) applies.  

We would therefore recommend limiting the scope of your request so that we are able to answer within the cost limit. We would suggest that this should cover a maximum time limit of 1 year and focus on 1 publication in particular. More information on our Economic Statistics publications can be found via the following link: ONS: Economy.