FOI ref: FOI-2024-2056 

You asked

I am researching the correlation between cultural ethnic backgrounds and the impact on women and children. 

In order to support my research I am requesting statistical data on the ethnic backgrounds of all perpetrators of sexual nature (assault, rape, grooming, online, coercion, exploitation) against girls under the age of 18 in the UK, from 2010-present.

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Unfortunately we do not hold the specific data you require. We publish statistics on crime from two main sources: the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and police recorded crime (PRC). These sources focus primarily on victims of crime. We have in the past published some tables of sexual offences broken down by the ethnicity of the offender on behalf of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). However these are not broken down by age of the victim and only cover the year ending December 2017. Please see tables 3 and 7 of our Sexual offending: Ministry of Justice appendix tables for these breakdowns. 

The Ministry of Justice are responsible for collecting data on offenders. They produce statistics every quarter which you may find useful. Alternatively, you can contact them at and they may be able to direct you to the data you are looking for. 

If you have any further crime-related queries, please contact us at and we will endeavour to help.