A guide dog in training, sponsored and named Hero by staff at the Office for National Statistics (ONS), was given a welcome fitting his name when he visited his sponsors at the ONS headquarters in Newport today (Thursday 17 August).

Staff at ONS raised £5,000 towards the Name a Puppy Scheme organised by Guide Dogs Cymru. The money is paying for Hero’s first year of training, as he learns to become socially well-behaved, friendly and responsive to his handler.

Dave Vowles of ONS said: "Staff at ONS were delighted to fund Hero’s early training. In our work and our community involvement, it’s great to do things that make a real difference to people's lives. Seeing guide dogs in action leaves you in no doubt about the wonderful way in which they help and encourage people who are blind or partially-sighted."

According to Hero’s 4-month Puppy Progress Report, “he has a gentle character with huge personality and settles well in public places. He plays very well with other dogs and is very polite when greeting them. His mischievous side also comes out at home, where he likes to try and grab one of his puppy-walkers’ shoes and run off with it, and he’s already tried to climb in the washing machine.”

Frank Greig, Community Fundraiser for Guide Dogs Cymru, said: “Hero is already learning some of the skills he will need to become a full-time companion for a blind or partially-sighted person in the future. All staff at ONS in Newport can be proud of his progress.”

During his special visit around the ONS headquarters in Newport, Hero was greeted by many of his sponsors who were delighted to see his development.

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