FOI ref: FOI/2023/4754

You asked

Does Trans woman also include transwoman, Woman, MTF etc.

What other variations were included in this category?

How was "trans woman/trans man" with the space selected as the headline term.

We said

​Thank you for your request.

The gender identity question was voluntary and was asked of those aged 16 years and over. It asked "Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?" and the response options were:

  • ☐ Yes

  • ☐ No, write in gender identity

The general approach for categorising write-in responses was that any term indicating a female identification was coded as trans woman. This includes terms such as transwoman, Woman, MTF, etc. The same process and logic were used for the trans man category.

Exceptions to this were made in instances where the write-in term indicated that the respondent wasn't in fact trans.

Following research of terminology used among those whose gender differs from their sex at birth, the terms 'trans woman' and 'trans man' were deemed to be the most appropriate collective terms for coding those who identified as women and men respectively when writing in their gender identity.