
You asked

I am interested in data on Gross Fixed capital formation (GFCF) into new dwellings and improvements separately, or new dwellings and dwellings separately, broken down by sector. I note that in the Blue Book 2022 GFCF supplementary tables ( you have dwellings GFCF broken down by sector (Table 8.1), but for new dwellings you only have it by private sector, public Near Field communication (NFC) and general government (Table 8.2). Would it be possible to get the figures for new dwellings broken down into the same sector categories as in Table 8.1? I am specifically interested in Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH), and if possible also a breakdown between central and local government. Could you also confirm whether the series "Dwellings" in table 8.1 and "New dwellings" in table 8.2 are measuring different things -- they have the same series codes. Further to this, it looks like the dwellings variable in Table 8.1 and the new dwellings variable in table 8.2 are measuring different things. Therefore what I would like to request is time series data on GFCF in dwellings split between new dwellings and improvements, and broken down by sector as in Table 8.1 (i.e. including NPISH as a separate category, and ideally split between central and local government).

We said

Thank you for you request.

Having reviewed the request, we unfortunately do not hold a breakdown of dwellings data by new dwellings in our GFCF processing at the sector level requested. The report referenced in the request dates from 2005 and our processing systems have changed quite significantly since then. 

The breakdowns within Table 8.1 and 8.2 show different series as they contain the level of investment in dwellings across different levels of sector. In table 8.1, total dwellings is broken down by economic sectors. In table 8.2 the three sub sectors of the total economy (private sector, public non-financial corporations and general government) are split out by type of asset. 

We publish a dataset that contains a breakdown of new dwellings and improvements to dwellings, but this only contains data at the private sector level. It is available via our published time series dataset. The relevant time series contained within it are: 

  • Current Price Seasonally Adjusted Total Dwellings -- series identifier L62T 
  • Current Price Seasonally Adjusted New Dwellings -- series identifier EE73 
  • Current Price Seasonally Adjusted Improvements to Dwellings -- series identifier EED5 
  • Chained Volume Measure Seasonally Adjusted Total Dwellings -- series identifier L636 
  • Chained Volume Measure Seasonally Adjusted New Dwellings -- series identifier EE74 
  • Chained Volume Measure Seasonally Adjusted Improvements to Dwellings -- series identifier EED6 

If you have any queries about our published data, please feel free to contact the business area directly at