​FOI Reference: FOI/2022/4410

You asked

Please disclose, preferably by PDF if you are using an attachment, any change between May of this year and July or August to the way ONS estimates the number or percentages of people with self-reported long COVID-19: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/prevalenceofongoingsymptomsfollowingcoronaviruscovid19infectionintheuk/4august2022

We said

T​hank you for your enquiry.

There were no methodological changes to our estimates of the prevalence of self-reported long COVID-19 between the statistical bulletins published in May 2022 and July 2022. For the August 2022 bulletin, the sample included a small number of responses collected through remote rather than face-to-face data collection, but these comprised less than 2% of all responses received during the four-week reference period.

If you have any further enquiries, please contact Health.Data@ons.gov.uk.