FOI Ref: FOI/2022/4709

You asked

I am interested in COVID-19 Data by occupational group. If the data is held by ONS, please disclose:

1. What data has the coronavirus infection survey collected on the occupations of the survey participants?

2. Has ONS estimated the cumulative numbers of people infected with COVID-19 by different occupational groups?

3. What data does ONS hold on COVID mortality by occupations group, and what time period does this data cover?

4. Since the 2020 ONS analysis of COVID related deaths by occupational group,, has ONS undertaken any further analysis of COVID-19 related deaths by occupational group? If not, what was the reason for discontinuing work on COVID-19 related deaths by occupational group?

5. Please disclose the total numbers of deaths involving COVID-19, to date, on the following occupational groups:

Health care workers

1181 Health services and public health managers and directors
1241 Health care practice managers
2211 Medical practitioners
2212 Psychologists
2213 Pharmacists
2214 Ophthalmic opticians
2215 Dental practitioners
2217 Medical radiographers
2218 Podiatrists
2219 Health professionals n.e.c.
2221 Physiotherapists
2222 Occupational therapists
2223 Speech and language therapists
2229 Therapy professionals n.e.c.
2231 Nurses
2232 Midwives
3213 Paramedics
3217 Pharmaceutical technicians
3218 Medical and dental technicians
3219 Health associate professionals n.e.c.
4211 Medical secretaries
6141 Nursing auxiliaries and assistants
6142 Ambulance staff (excluding paramedics)
6143 Dental nurses
7114 Pharmacy and other dispensing assistants
9271 Hospital porters

Social care workers

1184 Social services managers and directors
1242 Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors
2442 Social workers 3235 Counsellors
3239 Welfare and housing associate professionals n.e.c.
6144 Houseparents and residential wardens
6145 Care workers and home carers
6146 Senior care workers
6147 Care escorts

Teaching professionals

2311 Higher education teaching professionals
2312 Further education teaching professionals
2314 Secondary education teaching professionals
2315 Primary and nursery education teaching professionals
2316 Special needs education teaching professionals
2317 Senior professionals of educational establishments
2318 Education advisers and school inspectors
2319 Teaching and other educational professionals n.e.c.

We said

Thank you for your request.

COVID-19 infections by occupational group

The Office for National Statistics COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS) is a household survey that estimates the number of people testing positive for infection and for antibodies in the UK.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey: methods and further information - Office for National Statistics methodology article is intended to provide information on the methods used to collect the data, process it, and calculate the statistics produced from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey.

Further information on this study and the questionnaires used to gather occupational information can be found via the following link: Results - longer articles and adhoc publications from ONS and Nuffield Department of Medicine (

You might be interested in our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, characteristics of people testing positive for COVID-19, UK: December 2022. This analysis considers the likelihood of testing positive by characteristics such as work status, work sector, and work location.

You may also find the following analysis helpful: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey: characteristics of people testing positive for COVID-19 in England, May 2021 article, which explores the likelihood of testing positive for COVID-19 by occupation.

We also hold the following analysis which looks specifically at jobs in patient facing roles: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, characteristics of people testing positive for COVID-19, UK.

If these do not meet your needs, we can discuss providing a bespoke dataset. Special extracts and tabulations of Infection Survey data are available to order from the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight (HAPI) Customer Services team. Bespoke extracts are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreement to costs under the [ONS Charging policy].( If you would like further information on user requested datasets, please contact

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA, formerly Public Health England) may also be able to assist with this request, as they are responsible for NHS Test and Trace. They can be contacted via email at

Further information and an overview of data about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and other sources can be found in our Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest insights tool.

COVID-19 deaths by occupational group

ONS mortality data is taken from information collected at the point of death registration. As part of the death registration process occupation is reported on the death certificate by the informant. This information was then coded using the Standard Occupational Classification 2010 (SOC 2010).

The figures described in the last bulletin include deaths registered in England and Wales between 9 March and 28 December 2020. Deaths were only included in the analyses if the country of usual residence was also England and Wales.

Please see the following analysis, which provide some of the information you have requested:

We have not undertaken any further analysis since the publication of the following analysis: Coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by occupation, England and Wales. The COVID-19 related deaths by occupational group were an adhoc publication and did not form part of our regular publication scheme.  They were discontinued when the number of deaths became too small to publish at the level of disaggregation required for this publication as part of our disclosure control policies.

However, we can look to provide this information as a bespoke request. Special extracts and tabulations of mortality data are available to order from the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight (HAPI) Customer Services team. Bespoke extracts are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreement to costs under the ONS Charging policy. If you would like further information on user requested datasets, please contact