
You asked

I would like to request a breakdown of information the Office for National Statistics (ONS) holds for all 32 London boroughs and the City of London for each financial quarter between 2011-2021, i.e. Jan-Mar 2011 to Oct-Dec 2021.

Where possible, for each borough and the City of London, I would like to request specifically (per financial quarter):

  • The total number of employed
  • The total number of unemployed
  • The average house price
  • The average income per household
  • The highest earning job sector
  • The lowest earning job sector

For the same period,per year (Jan-Dec), I would also like to request information (per borough and the City of London) for;

  • Total population
  • Ratio of age demographic
  • Ratio of population ethnicity
  • Ratio of gender demographic

We said

Thank you for your query regarding information for London boroughs. Some of this information is not held at the level of granularity you have requested, but we have compiled the best sources for the various measures you have requested.

The total number of employed for detailed geographic areas is measured by the Annual Population Survey (APS). Results are produced for 12-month periods each quarter and published as part of our release for Labour market in the regions of the UK as table LI01 local indicators for counties, local and unitary authorities

An easier way to access this data as a compiled timeseries would be through our Nomis website, which we use to publish detailed geographic information for a range of indicators. The local authority employment figure can be found in the main APS dataset.

From the dataset selection screen you can select the geographies you require using the geography selection screens, then the dates you require and finally the variables you are interested in. For the variables, you will initially be presented with the Key variables which includes the employment rate for those aged 16-64, however, to access the employment rate for those aged 16 and over, you need to change from the Key variable set to the Employment rate by age set on the drop-down list. For any rate, you will be given the numerator and denominator as well as the rate, which will include the employment level as the numerator. 

The total number of people unemployed for detailed geographic areas is measured using a model that borrows strength from both the APS and Claimant Count information. This information is similarly available from the Nomis website from the Model-based estimates of unemployment dataset. 

You can also access the local authority population estimates on Nomis from the Population estimates -- local authority based by single year of age dataset. This dataset includes information broken down by sex and age. 

We do not produce detailed estimates of the ethnicity breakdown of the population at local levels between Censuses. However, we do produce estimates of the split of the 16 and over population between white and ethnic minorities from the APS which are also available to access as part of the Annual Population Survey dataset on Nomis, by changing the Key variable set to Ethnic group by age. The latest Census results for ethnic breakdown of the population at a local level are available from Nomis in the following dataset: RM032 -- Ethnic group by sex by age

We produce estimates on earnings for detailed areas from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. However, we do not produce estimates of the highest and lowest earning job sector at the granularity of local authority. We only produce earnings estimates for whole local authorities, or for different job sectors at a region level

We do not produce estimates of average income for households at a local authority level. In our annual Effects on Taxes and Benefits publication we produce regional breakdowns for income (Table 17) and household characteristics (Table 18) in the following datasheets: Effects of taxes and benefits on household income - Office for National Statistics ( 

Average house prices for London local authorities, including City of London, are available from the UK House Price Index, which is published by HM Land Registry on GOV.UK. Average house price estimates are published for each month. The latest available UK HPI reports are available here: UK House Price Index: reports - GOV.UK ( and the latest UK HPI data can be downloaded via the following link: UK House Price Index: data downloads November 2023 - GOV.UK (