FOI ref: FOI-2023-1052

You asked

Please can you provide a breakdown of aggregate total wealth by percentiles and components (e.g. net property wealth, pension (private wealth etc.) I am effectively looking for the most up to date version of this data set:

We said

Thank you for your request for a breakdown of aggregate total wealth by percentiles and components (e.g. property wealth, pension wealth etc). 

Please see the associated download with this request, named FOI-2023-1052 - Distribution of aggregate household total wealth and wealth components, by percentiles, Great Britain, April 2018 to March 2020 (£).

This provides estimates of total wealth and components of wealth by percentile. Estimates use round 7 of the Wealth and Assets Survey covering the period 2018-2020. 

Ongoing quality assurance has identified an issue with the methodology used for the previous (wave 5) release of wealth components by percentile, which you referenced in your freedom of information request. This issue has been corrected for the attached current (round 7) release. A separate dataset will also be published with revised estimates for wave 5, estimates for round 6 and these estimates for round 7 in due course. 

For any queries regarding the data provided, please contact the following email address: