FOI ref: FOI-2024-2029 

You asked

I am seeking to find out the names of people getting married, both their first names and their surnames.

This is similar to the information provided by ONS on the registration of births by name but instead applied to marriages eg

The request is for names for each year going back to 2014.

Also the total number of marriages registered for each of those years so it can be seen if names are rising and falling in line with national changes.

We said

Thank you for your freedom of information request. 

As we have never conducted this type of analysis on marriage data previously, we would need to establish and implement new methodology during the course of creating this data. Therefore, we do not hold the information you have requested, as this would involve the creation of new information.

We can look into creating this for you via our bespoke services route. Such services are subject to disclosure controls, legal frameworks, resources and agreement of costs, in line with our charging policy. Please note, this work would be a time-consuming undertaking, as we would need to create a dataset using 9-years’ worth of data, so a large charge would likely apply. If you would like to discuss these services further, please contact to discuss your enquiry further.