You asked

​As the body overseeing the work of the ONS can you confirm that some kind of Equality Anlysis had been conducted ahead of the Census 2021 Operation? Specifically can you confirm that the triggers and targets proposed by the ONS as a guide for sending field officers to households was deemed acceptable and that it would not adversely affected those with protected characteristics. (i.e. the elderly and those with disabilities.)

Could you provide a copy of this analysis?

We said

Thank you for your request.

ONS has undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment for the 2021 Census. Please see the following link to this:

Field officers were sent to households based on where a census return had not yet been received. Hence the trigger was based on whether a return had not yet been received. The field officers played an important role in being able to provide additional information about the census and how respondents can get access to additional support.