FOI REF: FOI-2023-1427

You asked

I would like to know:

  1. The number of households that received a fine for not completing the 2021 and 2011 census?
  2. How many of the fines which were issued were actually paid?

We said

Thank you for your request.

There were 270 successful prosecutions for refusal to complete the 2011 Census. More details about the non-compliance process can be found in the 2011 Census General Report for England and Wales.

For Census 2021, we intend to publish information regarding fines and cases in our Census 2021 General Report (planned for early 2024). Therefore, this information is exempt under s.22(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), whereby information is exempt from release if there is a view to publish in the future.

We believe the public interest falls in favour of withholding this information until the publication of the Census General Report. This will provide the public with an overall view of the operation of the 2021 Census. This is in line with our other statistical and publication releases.