FOI REF: FOI-2023-1458

You asked

Please could I request statistics pertaining to the following:
1. The % of people in the North East and North West claiming benefits prior to 2010
2. The % of people in the North East and North West claiming benefits after 2010 (say 2013)
3. As above but for the South East and South West.

We said

Thank you for your query regarding benefit claimants in the regions of the UK. 

We do not hold comprehensive data on claimants of all benefits in the UK. Such data is held by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) who publish their own statistics on benefit claimants in the DWP benefits Statistical Summary and other related publications. 

Information on the number of benefit claimants in the regions of the UK is available within their published statistics. You may also wish to contact the DWP directly at