
You asked

Please provide information on anti-social behaviour/crime and e-bikes and e-scooters in Berkshire in the last 4 years.

We said

Thank you for your request.  

Unfortunately, we do not hold anti-social behaviour data at the level that you have requested. The ONS publishes data on anti-social behaviour based on two sets of crime statistics: the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) which is a victimisation survey, and police recorded crime data.

The most recent CSEW data on trends in antisocial behaviour can be found in Worksheet F18 and F19, and Table F22 of the Other related tables which were published alongside. These tables provide yearly estimates for England and Wales but do not include a breakdown of anti-social behaviour estimates at county level. Worksheet F18 of this dataset includes estimates for the anti-social behaviour type 'Vehicle related behaviour' but does not include a breakdown for e-bikes and e-scooters specifically. 

CSEW estimates with reference to anti-social behaviour, by police force area, are available in Table P11 of the Police Force Area data tables year ending March 2023, and in this data for the year ending June 2023 (Table 2b, 4a, 4b). These provide data on Thames Valley Police which includes Berkshire; however, we do not publish these data at a lower level of granularity and do not include a breakdown for e-bikes and e-scooters specifically. Please note as these data are based on small sample sizes, police force area estimates from the CSEW are less robust than national level estimates and should be treated with extreme caution. 

Police recorded crime data on anti-social behaviour is published in Worksheet F20 and F21 of our Other related tables year ending June 2023, and in Table P12 and P13 of the Police Force Area data tables year ending March 2023. Police recorded crime data is provided to us by the Home Office who may be able to assist you further. They can be contacted at