Ref: FOI/2022/4529

You asked

​​Could you provide me with the weekly or monthly numbers of child deaths involving Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wales - aged 0 to 19 yrs old - since 1 March 2020 to date please?

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

We hold the following annual analysis Deaths due to COVID-19, registered in England and Wales . Row 49 to Row 69 in Table 2 shows deaths involving COVID-19 by 5-year age group in Wales.

We note your request for a monthly breakdown of this data, this is available via our bespoke data service. If you would like to request this bespoke dataset, please contact the Data & Analysis for Social Care and Health (DASCH) Customer Services team at to discuss your enquiry further. Please note, these services are subject to legal frameworks, resources, disclosure controls, and an agreements of costs in line with our charging policy.

As you can see from Table 2 the numbers for underlying cause and "involving" COVID-19 are very small and we would be unable to produce this at a weekly level due to our disclosure controls. You can find more information on Disclosure control in our Policy on protecting confidentiality in tables of birth and death statistics. Any data produced at a weekly level would identify an individual and would therefore contravene Section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (SRSA). This section of the SRSA states it is an offence to disclose personal information of an individual or body corporate. As this disclosure would be prohibited by law, we find that Section 44 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000(FOIA) applies. Section 44 is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the public interest test needs to be applied.

We have also published the following user requested data sets which may be useful to you: Deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) by age group, Wales, deaths registered in March 2020 to May 2021 - Office for National Statistics (

For further information please contact the DASCH Customer Services team at