You asked

Please can I request information on how many incidents have occurred on the railways in the UK in the past 10 years which have required the attendance of the Fire Service.

Can I also ask how many incidents have occurred on the railways in the UK in the past 10 years which have required the attendance of police and/or ambulance.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry relating to incidents that have occurred on the railways in the UK in the past 10 years which have required the attendance of the fire service and police and/or ambulance.

We do not hold the information that you have requested.

We publish data relating to crime statistics from two main sources: The Crime Survey for England and Wales and crime recorded by the police.  

Our Police Force Area tables include offences recorded by the British Transport Police but do not go down to the level of railways or who attended each incident.

We think this request might be better directed to the Department for Transport at or British Transport Police using this link.