FOI ref: FOI-2023-1081

You asked

I noticed that ONS released a dataset which shows the total deaths by vaccination status. Here is the link: Deaths by vaccination status, England.

Under the FOIA, I request a similar datasheet to the one above in Table 5. I’d like to see Total Deaths of UK (or England) for 2022, by total number of Covid vaccines and age and month. So pretty much the same data as the one in the link above. But instead of the 2 being “Unvaccinated” and “Ever vaccinated”. Make it Unvaccinated against 1 vaccine, 2 vaccines and 2 vaccines plus booster etc.

We said

Thank you for your request.  

We are responsible for the provision of mortality statistics for England and Wales. National Records Scotland (NRS) and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) are responsible for statistics pertaining to Scotland and Northern Ireland. Therefore, we do not hold the requested data for the whole of the UK. Should you wish to obtain this data from NRS and NISRA, they can be contacted at and respectively. 

Please see Table 2 of the following publication: Deaths by vaccination status, England - Office for National Statistics

This provides monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for all cause deaths, deaths involving COVID-19 and deaths not involving COVID-19 in England, deaths occurring between 1 April 2021 and 31 December 2022.  

This provides the number of deaths by the following categories and the following age groups 18-39 and thereafter by 10-year age group 

  • Unvaccinated 

  • First dose, less than 21 days ago 

  • First dose, at least 21 days ago 

  • Second dose, less than 21 days ago 

  • Second dose, between 21 days and 6 months ago 

  • Second dose, at least 6 months ago 

  • Third dose or booster, less than 21 days ago 

  • Third dose or booster, at least 21 days ago 

  • Ever vaccinated 

The data are for England only.  Vaccinations data for Wales is not yet available to be linked to the mortality dataset and the Public Health Data Asset (PHDA) covers England only. Therefore, data for Wales is not held. 

If you would like to discuss further, please contact the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight Customer Services Team at