FOI REF: FOI-2023-1353

You asked

Please can you send me the information stated below:

  1. Supplier of the contract for CCTV maintenance and support
  2. How much does the Org/s spend annually with the supplier? (if multiple suppliers please list the annual spend for each)
  3. What is the renewal date of this contract?
  4. What is the duration of the contract?
  5. What is the review date of this contract? If possible the likely outcome of this review
  6. The primary brand of the CCTV equipment. I don't require the model just the brand. If there is various brands could you please list?
  7. What is the total number of cameras in use/under this contract?
  8. The description of the services provided under this contract. Please state if this contract includes more than just CCTV services.
  9. Contact details of the employee responsible for the contract between the supplier and the organisation. Can you please provide me with their full contact details?

If there is no CCTV maintenance contract in place:

  1. What is the brand of CCTV cameras in use? if there is variety could you please send me a list? I do not need the serial number or model just the brand.
  2. How much is the average annual spend on the in-house maintenance?
  3. How many cameras are in use?
  4. Is there a plan to review this at any point, if so what would the date be?
  5. Who is in charge of overseeing the in-house maintenance? If there is no maintenance contract or in-house maintenance in place, is there a ad-hoc agreement? If yes:1. Who is the supplier? Is this varies could you please list? 2. What is the brand of CCTV cameras in use? if there is variety could you please send me a list? I do not need the serial number or model just the brand. 3. How many cameras are in use? 4. How much is the average annual spend on the ad-hoc agreement? 5. What is the date it is to be reviewed?

We said

Thank you for your request.

Please can you send me the information stated below:

  1. Supplier of the contract for CCTV maintenance and support:

    • Christchurch – Churches Fire 
    • Titchfield – Securitas
  2. How much does the Org/s spend annually with the supplier? (if multiple suppliers please list the annual spend for each):

    • Christchurch CCTV Service spend £1,250
    • Titchfield - ONS placed a 3 year CCTV contract
  3. What is the renewal date of this contract?

    • Christchurch - 1 October 2023
    • Titchfield - April 2024
  4. What is the duration of the contract?

    • We would look to put a 2 year contract in place from October 2023 for Christchurch based on the 2 year VINCI extension
  5. What is the review date of this contract? If possible, the likely outcome of this review

    • This is dependent on the ONS extension to the VINCI contract

Regarding questions 6, 7, and 8, we are unable to release this requested information. This is because disclosing this information would make us vulnerable to criminal acts, as it would aid offenders in avoiding surveillance and protection systems.

We therefore find s.31(1)(a) to be engaged as the release of the information would prejudice the prevention or detection of crime. We believe that releasing this information would increase the likelihood of criminals using the information to successfully target activity against our premises. For example, knowing makes and number of CCTV cameras would allow criminals to know the extent of our security systems and significantly increase the likelihood of them avoiding detection during any crime. Knowing the extent of our systems could also increase the opportunity to conduct malicious attacks on the system itself, again placing ONS and its staff and assets in a much more vulnerable position.

This exemption is subject to a public interest test. We recognise that releasing this information would aid transparency and accountability of the ONS, provide reassurance about whether our premises are vulnerable, and provide information about how effective our security measures are. However, we see greater value in the inherent public interest in crime prevention. There is also a public interest in avoiding the costs (financial, distress, inconvenience, publicity, regulatory) associated with any criminal or terrorist attack. By refusing this information we are also preventing any threat to the integrity and security of our sensitive data and are ensuring that we can comply with our duties to take all necessary steps to safeguard the sensitive data, including physical access to it via its premises, documents, and IT systems.

Consequently, we find the public interest falls in favour of withholding the information.

The information requested in Q9 is also exempt under s.40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), as it is personal data. If you are interested in becoming a commercial supplier and would like to get in touch, please visit the following webpage: