FOI REF: FOI-2023-1434

You asked

It is my understanding from the reported figures that there are currently over 1000 Met Officers in London suspended or on restricted duties pending the outcome of investigations. Please may I have a breakdown of the ethnicity and gender of these officers (FOIA Request)?

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Our crime publications and data concern crime as it is experienced by victims, or as it is recorded by police. Unfortunately, we do not hold data or produce statistics regarding police officers. 

The Metropolitan Police may be able to help you further. Information on how to contact them can be found here.  

The Home Office are responsible for publishing policing statistics. For example, the latest publication, 'Police misconduct, England and Wales: year ending 31 March 2022' may be helpful to you. If you have any queries regarding these data, the Home Office can be contacted at