FOI REF: FOI-2023-1440

You asked

I would like to submit a request for some information from the organisation, in relation to their contract's register.

The FULL contract register should display all the organisations existing/live contracts.

Section 1

I would like the register to display the following columns/headings:

1. Contract Reference - Unique reference number associated with the contract.

2. Contract Title

3. Procurement Category -- Please state the category name of the contract, I wish to know the category the contract is under.

4. Supplier Name

5. Spend (Total, Annual or contract value)

6. Contract's Duration

7. Contract's Extensions

8. Contract's Start Date

9. Contract's Expiry Date

10. Contract Description [Please provide me with as much detail as possible.]

11. Contact Owner (Person that manages the contract register)

12. Contact details of section 151 officer

13. CPV codes/Pro-Class

Section 2

Procurement Strategy Plan - please attach the procurement strategy plan along with the contract register.

Section 3

Contract Data/API Contact Details

Can you also provide me with contact details of the person responsible for the actual contract's register or someone responsible for API? [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address].

Please provide me with the contract's register file in an excel format.

We said

Thank you for your request.

Please see the requested information in the associated download.

Some information has been redacted from the spreadsheet, as we have identified that the information provided in these contracts discloses sensitive details regarding the security tools we use to defend ourselves and our network infrastructure. We believe that releasing this information would increase the likelihood of criminals conducting malicious attacks on our system, placing ONS staff and assets in a vulnerable position. Section 31(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) is therefore engaged, as releasing this information would prejudice the prevention of crime against our organisation. 

This exemption is subject to a public interest test. We recognise that releasing this information would aid transparency and accountability of the ONS, particularly regarding the security of the data we hold. However, we see greater value in the inherent public interest in crime prevention. There is also a public interest in avoiding the costs (financial, distress, inconvenience, publicity, regulatory) associated with any criminal attack. By refusing this information we are also preventing any threat to the integrity and security of our sensitive data and are ensuring that we can comply with our duties to take all necessary steps to safeguard the sensitive data.

Consequently, we find the public interest falls in favour of withholding the information.

Some information has also been redacted in line with Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). 

We are currently undertaking a review of the procurement strategy to align to organisational objectives going forward.