You asked

1. Can you please provide me with a breakdown where the new COVID variant has been contracted specifically relating to;

Supermarkets, Hospitals inpatients (wards), Breakdown of reported infections by each hospital ward, Hospitals outpatients, Hospitals A&E, Places of work, Places of worship, Support bubbles, Exercise, Takeaways food, Takeaway alcohol (delivery), Schools, Universities , Nurseries , Residential Care Homes, Construction

In the following age groups:

  • Under 12 years old

  • 12-17 years old

  • 18-24 years old

  • 24-34 years old

  • 35-44 years old

  • 45-54 years old

  • 44-64 years old

  • 65-74 years old

  • 75 years and over

2. Can you also please provide me with a breakdown of where COVID-19 (Not the new variant) has been contracted between the easing of lockdown restrictions on 4 July to T3 restrictions being imposed on Lancashire on 16 October 2020 covering the same criteria as above.

3. Can you also please provide me with a breakdown of where COVID-19 (Not the new variant) has been contracted between the easing of lockdown restrictions on 4 July to introduction of Tiered in England covering each of the following regions using the same criteria as above (places contracted and ages):

North West, North East, Yorkshire and the Humber, South East, West Midlands, East Midlands, London

4. And again, please provide me with breakdown where COVID-19 has been contracted (Not the new variant) covering the period Lancashire was placed in T3 only for the aforementioned age ranges and places contracted.

We said

​Thank you for your request.

The COVID-19 Infection Survey is a representative household survey which estimates the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 in the community, with or without symptoms. Community in this instance refers to private residential households and it excludes those in hospitals, care homes and/or other institutional settings.

We do not collect information on specifically where the infection was contracted. Therefore, we do not hold this information.

In the dataset accompanying our latest bulletin, you can find the following data:

  • Percentage testing positive for COVID-19 by age/school year and non-overlapping 14-day periods (weighted), England for the period 26 April 2020 to 16 January 2021 on tab 1h
  • Percentage testing positive for COVID-19 by region and non-overlapping 14-day periods (weighted), England for the period 26 April 2020 to 16 January 2021 on tab 1i
  • Percentage of people testing positive for COVID-19 by CIS sub-region for the period 12 January to 17 January 2021 on tab 1k. This includes sub-regions within the North West of England.
  • Modelled daily rates of the percentage of the population testing positive by ORF1ab+N (new variant compatible) and other variants for the period 6 December 2020 to 16 January 2021:
  • For England, Wales, NI and Scotland on tab 6c

  • By region on tab 6d

Due to small sample sizes, we do not produce analysis of data at local authority level.

For information on events and activities reported by people testing positive, please see Public Health England (PHE) National flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports here.