FOI REF: FOI/2023/5080

You asked

​Could I please have a copy of your most recent Organisation Chart and list Current Projects and associated timelines?

We said

Thank you for your request.

Our organisational charts can be found on our website via the following link: Leadership team - Office for National Statistics ( Please download the associated document "UKSA Organisation Chart 2023".

As an organisation we work on a wide variety of projects, covering a vast range of topics. In order to fully answer your request, we would be required to contact every business area of ONS to search for, extract and collate the details of their ongoing projects. The cost limit for replying to a Freedom of Information request is £600 or 24 hours work, and in our view we would need to exceed this with your request. 

Therefore, Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is engaged, whereby a public authority is not obliged to answer a request if the cost of complying would exceed the appropriate limit.

We would therefore advise limiting the scope of your request so that we can answer within the cost limit. This can be done by refining your request to a particular business area of ONS.

You may find our website useful in your research, as this has information about each division within Office for National Statistics: Home - Office for National Statistics ( If you click on the relevant tabs, you can find more detail about their ongoing research, future plans and data releases. This may also help to refine your request further.