FOI REF: FOI-2023-1405

You asked

I need to know the following data, if you are able to, for Norwich between 1950 and present day:

  • Population
  • Rate and number of new builds in or around the city
  • Any data you have on light pollution (including number of lamp posts, whether they are LED or sodium), sound pollution.

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

Population of Norwich

Norwich is a local authority (district/unitary), and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has annual population estimates for local authorities back until 1981. Please see the associated download named 'Estimates of the population of Norwich at mid-year, 1981 to 2021 (inclusive)'  based on the ONS' mid-year population estimates.

Please note that our mid-year population estimates go up to 2021, and these are our most recent population estimates.

Unfortunately, we do not hold annual population estimates of Norwich prior to 1981. However, you can find estimates of Norwich's population for years 1951, 1961 and 1971 by looking at the results of the censuses of those years. Please see associated download 'Estimates of the population of Norwich as recorded in the censuses for 1951, 1961 and 1971 (respectively)'.

When accessing any of our files, please read the 'notes, terms and conditions' contained within them. 

If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact the population statistics team at

Rate and number of new builds in or around the city and any data you have on light pollution (including number of lamp posts, whether they are LED or sodium), sound pollution

Unfortunately, we do not hold information going back to 1950 about the rates or number of new builds in Norwich.  

We re-publish local authority level data from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) as part of our House building data, UK publication, which may be of interest.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities publish a range of statistics on house building in England, so may be better placed to assist with your enquiry. You can submit a Freedom of Information request to them at 

We do not hold any information about light or sound pollution in Norwich. DEFRA may be better placed to advise; their FOI team can be contacted at

Light pollution is also dealt with by local authorities so they may able to assist you. Alternatively, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) may hold information from a planning point of view, their FOI team can be contacted at

You may also find the following information helpful in your research and Light pollution - GOV.UK (