FOI Ref: FOI/2022/3562

You asked

Please supply the following information:

The adverse effects from all covid vaccines from start of trial to the present day

The amount of unvaccinated people from 2021-2022

The amount of unvaccinated people from 2019 – 2021

Amount of side effects by 5 year increments i.e. 05- 10 years old 11-15 years old 16-20 years old up to the age of 90 years old

Amount of deaths of people with comorbidities and covid

Amount of deaths of people without comorbidities

The deaths as a result of the covid vaccines from the start of the trial to present day

Amount of deaths of people with 1 vaccine injection 2021-2022

Amount deaths of unvaccinated people 2021-2022

Amount of deaths in people with 2 or more covid vaccines from 2021-2022

We said

Thank you for your request.

COVID-19 vaccination status

The COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS) is a household survey that estimates the number of people testing positive for infection and for antibodies in the UK. Our statistics refer to the number of current COVID-19 infections within the population living in private residential households. We exclude those in hospitals, care homes and/or other communal establishments. In communal establishments, rates of COVID-19 infection are likely to be different.

In the dataset accompanying our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, antibody and vaccination bulletin, you can find our modelled estimates for vaccination percentages for England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland on tabs 1j, 2i, 3i, and 4i respectively. We validate our self-reported vaccination data in England with data from the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS), which is the System of Record for the NHS coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme in England. The equivalent of NIMS is currently not included for other countries, so vaccination estimates for Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland are produced only from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey self-reported records of vaccination.

Please note, the vaccination statistics that we produce are modelled estimates based on the percentages of participants vaccinated in our study. They should not be confused with the official estimates of the number of people who have received a first dose, second dose, and third dose or booster vaccine which are published on the Government coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard by UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA, previously Public Health England). More information on official vaccination estimates can be found in COVID-19 weekly announced vaccinations reports or you can contact UKHSA via email at

We do not hold any data on the number of adverse effects or side effects following the vaccine. Your request may be better addressed by the UKHSA. They can be contacted via email at

Further information and an overview of data about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and other sources can be found in our Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest insights tool.

COVID-19 deaths with and without pre-existing conditions

The medical certificate of cause of death has two parts, Part 1 contains the sequence of health conditions or events leading directly to death, while Part 2 can contain other health conditions that contributed to the death but were not part of the direct sequence. Deaths due to COVID-19 usually have COVID-19 mentioned in Part 1 and may have consequences of COVID-19, such as pneumonia, mentioned in lines above. The presence of conditions listed as consequences of COVID-19 are not underlying conditions and are not counted in our method to describe pre-existing conditions mentioned in deaths due to COVID-19.

We define pre-existing conditions as those mentioned in Part 2 of the medical certificate of cause of death. If COVID-19 is mentioned in Part 1 on lines above other conditions also mentioned in Part 1, the last condition mentioned in Part 1 is also considered a pre-existing condition. We don't know exactly how many people who died from COVID-19 had no pre-existing health conditions, only how many did not have a pre-existing condition mentioned on the death certificate. A contributor to the cause of death is expected toB have increased the likelihood of death, but this does not mean that the death would have been avoided in its absence.

We would also recommend reading our recent blog on this subject: To say only 17,000 people have died from COVID-19 is highly misleading | National Statistical (

We have not completed analysis for deaths due to COVID-19 as the sole cause of death on the death certificate, or the percentage of deaths for this specific age group.

We do hold the following analysis which is published quarterly Pre-existing conditions of people who died due to COVID-19, England and Wales. This publication provides deaths due to COVID-19 with no pre-existing conditions and up to 5 or more pre-existing conditions quarterly for 2020 and 2021. Quarter 1 of 2022 will be published in April 2022.

Deaths involving the COVID-19 vaccination

Our data is derived from the death certificate, using information received at the point of death registration. For the vaccine to be mentioned on the death certificate the medical professional certifying the death must have believed, to the best of their knowledge, that the vaccine was part of the events that led to the death. Deaths reported as due to or involving the COVID-19 vaccination are recorded using ICD-10 code U12.9.

We report deaths attributed to adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccination monthly within our Monthly Mortality Analysis. The latest data available is December 2021.

There are currently 15 deaths registered in England and Wales with the aligning ICD codes for this, 10 of these deaths have ICD-10 U12.9 as the underlying cause.

However, please note that these are deaths across all age groups since the rollout of the vaccination in December 2020 and there are no deaths registered under the age of 35.

All cause and COVID-19 deaths by vaccination status

We have published weekly counts of deaths, population and age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status in our most recent publication on this topic, "Deaths involving COVID-19 by Vaccination Status, England: deaths occurring between 2 January and 31 December 2021". We use 21 days after vaccination as this is when the vaccine is deemed to be effective.

Possible values include:

  •       unvaccinated

  •       vaccinated with the first dose only, date of death/last day of week is within 21 days of vaccination

  •       vaccinated with the first dose only, date of death/last day of week is 21 days or more after vaccination

  •       vaccinated with both the first and second dose, date of death/last day of week is date of second vaccination or later

The data are for England only, as vaccinations data for Wales is not yet available to be linked to the mortality dataset and the Public Health Data Asset covers England only.

Table 5 of this publication shows monthly age-standardised mortality rates by age-group and vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19 from January to December 2021.