FOI Ref: FOI/2023/4771

You asked

​​​Please could you let me know, by borough if possible, or county if not, where Ukrainian refugees are residing. I realise these locations are temporary. Up to date info would be good, but any available date during 2022 would be fine.

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

We do not hold statistics on where Ukrainian refugees reside in the UK.

From our year-ending June 2022 long-term international migration estimates bulletin, section 4 ('Migration Events'), we estimate around 89,000 Ukraine Scheme visa-holders arrived in the UK up to June 2022; and, around 170,000 visas were granted to Ukrainian nationals across all visa routes in the same period. These figures are drawn directly from Home Office data.

For estimates of where Ukrainian refugees reside, to the geographic level of borough, you may wish to see the Statistics at Home Office website, or contact

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