FOI REF: FOI/2023/5018

You asked 

I would like to request the following data about Office for National Statistics. 

Employee turnover data, wastage rate, average tenure, cohort half-life, career progression and pathways; methods of measurement and recording recruitment; value of considering a number of variables in analysis, including gender, age, ethnicity, role, department, entry qualifications/skills. 

I had previously contacted NHS Digital as I enquired regarding absence details.  I would like to gather the following information: 

1. Days of sick - short and long term absence in the previous 12 months 

2. Number of leavers in the last 12 months not due to retirement 

3. Total numbers of workers in full time permanent work - split into the Age of workers 

4. Total numbers of workers in full time contract work - split into the Age of workers

We said

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, in order for us to action your request in full, we would be required to conduct a search of multiple HR systems to bring together recruitment, employee and skills data, which would include the involvement of at least 5 members of staff spanning across 5 teams.

The cost limit for replying to a Freedom of Information request is £600 or 24 hours work, and in our view we would need to exceed this in order to provide search for, locate, and extract the information in scope of your request.

Information on the UK Civil Service workforce are published by the Cabinet Office. This report provides data pertaining to staff turnover, tenure, age, gender, ethnicity, absence and sickness by department. Please see the following link to this information, which will hopefully be of use to you:

If you would like to resubmit your request following consultation of the Civil Service Statistics published by the cabinet office, we can help with any further data you may require. If you choose to do this, we would recommend limiting the scope of your request to 1 year (consistent with the scope of the Cabinet Office Statistics), and also specify the exact categories of information you are looking for. Please note, we do not hold any information on qualifications held by staff, as this data is not retained.

Please get back in touch if you would like to resubmit.