FOI REF: FOI-2023-1416

You asked

  1. How many employment tribunal cases have you had? Timescales from 2020 to present day.
  2. How much have you paid in legal fees to challenge the claims?
  3. How much has been spent on settling?
  4. How many cases have you lost and how many won?

We said

Thank you for your request.

Between 1 January 2020 to 15 September 2023, 9 employment tribunals have been brought against ONS.

The ONS paid ca. £208,000 in legal fees to defend these claims.

Of those cases, the tribunal ruled in favour of the ONS in one case, and in favour of the claimant in one case.  In the latter case, the court ordered ONS to make an award of £2,715.70 to the claimant.

The 7 remaining cases were all dismissed by the employment tribunal.