FOI REF: FOI-2023-1588

You asked

Can you please provide information on the following:

  1. How many driving licence holders in the Peckham Rye Ward of Southwark Council
  2. How many residents in the Peckham Rye Ward of Southwark Council
  3. How many children 0-15 in the Peckham Rye Ward of Southwark Council

We said

Thank you for your freedom of information request. 

The census for did not collect information on how many people have driving licences. The Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) may be better placed to help, as they produce the following publication: DVLA Vehicle Statistics

Please see the associated download named ‘Peckham Rye population by age’. This shows the total population of Peckham Rye ward and those aged 0-15. This was downloaded from Nomis. Nomis is a service run on behalf of ONS by the university of Durham. 

We have also provided Navigation instructions to assist with using Nomis for further extracts.  

If you have any queries about this data or would like assistance with using Nomis, please contact